Gal. 2:1-10 “Slippery Spies of Slavery”
Review from last week: Don’t desert the only gospel that turns sinners into saints
Galatians 1:6 “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—”
Self-sufficent saint to delivered sinner
Gospel: “Preserved for You” (vs. 1-5)
Grace: “Given to Me” (vs. 6-10)
Summary of the Chapter: “Relying on anything other than Jesus nullifies the purpose of His grace (the Cross)
Memory verse of the Chapter: Galatians 2:21 “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.”
Gospel: “Preserved for You” (vs. 1-5)
Gospel: “Preserved for You” (vs. 1-5)
Not running in vain (vs. 1-2)
Then after fourteen years- (MAP) after 3 years in Arabia/Damascus he went to Jerusaelm before returning to the regions of Syria and Cilicia and landing in Tarsus (Acts 9:30). This is where Barnabas found Saul and brought him to Antioch. Then in Acts 13, Barnabas and Saul and sent out by the Church to do “the work to which I have called them”. First missionary journey, in which, they went through the region of Galatia
I went up again to Jerusalem-Acts records 5 different visits to Jerusalem. There is some discussion on whether this is during the famine visit recorded in Acts 11:27-30 or the Jerusalem Counsil in Acts 15.
With Barnabas- “Son of encouragement”
Taking Titus along with me- more on that later…
I went up because of a revelation- “apokalypsin”, communication of knowldge (previously hidden) to man by a divine or supernatural agency- is this refering to Agabus prophecy of the famine (Acts. 11)?
and set before them
Though privately before those who seemed influential- The council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 would have been a very public meeting.
The gospel that I procalim among the Gentiles
in order to make sure I was not running or had not run in vain- “had run” past, “was running” present, for no reason, to no end. Paul is confirming the message he has been sharing has not changed.
False brothers (vs. 3-4)
But (“alla”, big contrast) even Titus
who was with me
was not forced to be circumcised
though he was a Greek- he is a gentile!
Yet because (“dia” through) of false brothers- “pseudadelphous” a deliveratley deceptive person pretending to be a believer; understood as a person pretending to be one’s own sibling.
secretly brought in- “pareisaktous” only used 1x in the Bible, “secretly introduced, designating something new being brought into an environment in a clandestine (secrety covert, stealthy) manner”
who slipped in- “pareis-eh-lthon” to come alongside
to spy out our freedom that we have in christ Jesus- “kataskop-eh-sai” to spy out, to inquire secretly
so that they might bring us into slavery- “katadoulwsousin” fut, act, ind, 3rd, pl to subject, conceived of forcing someone down into the lower status of a slave.
What is the end game of the false brothers that were secretly slipping in to spy out their freedoms in Christ? Slavery
Circumcision, The Law, Elemental principles of the world: days, months, seasons, years,
“Not all Jewish people are Christians, but all Christians must become Jewish” (Keller, 38).
Firm ground (v. 5)
To them
we did not yield in submission
even for a moment- one action leads to the next.
so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you-
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
Read pages42-43 from Keller!
How do you know if you are running in vain? When is it evident that the God is being deserted and the gospel distorted?
What has secretly slipped itself into your relationship with Jesus seeking to take hold of you? To?
What would it look like for you today, to nor yield in submission even for a moment?
If you have ever comforted yourself about your relationship with God by saying, “Well, at least I have never…killed anyone, looked at pornography, had sex outside of marriage, been divorced…” this is evidence of the slippery spy of slavery. Why, because you are believing that in your doing your are receiving blessing from God. and that your rule following means that you love God more and that He loves you more.
The minute anything adds to you being in Christ alone takes you away from being in Christ alone.
Enlist the Body (faith steps):
Where do you go or who do you talk to to check to see if you have something right? To make sure that you are not decieved in something?
not all people around Central are Christian, but all Christians must be Central Christians
Transitional phrase: We have to be careful that we are preserving the right gospel for others that come along. If we start making requirements that God does not than we are nullifying the grace of the Cross.
Grace: “Given to me” (vs. 6-10)
Grace: “Given to me” (vs. 6-10)
Nothing added (v. 6)
And from those who seemed to be influential- (verse 2), “dokountwn” pres, act, part, gen masc, pl, to be or become considered as worthy of high esteem and sway. leaders in the church, leaders in Judaism?
what they were makes no difference to me
God shows no partiality
those, I say, who seemed influential
added nothing to me- be careful about making people, teachers, pastors more influential than they should be.
Fellowship Given (vs. 7-10)
On the contrary- double emphasis on the contrast here
when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised
for he who worked through Peter for his apostolic ministry to the circumcised
worked through me for mine to the Gentiles
They are on the same team, but have different roles, different reponsabilitied
When James and Cephas and John- why the difference of “Peter/Cephas”?
who seemed to be pillars- this is the 3rd time he uses the word “seemed” in reference to influential people. Sounds like he is reading the daily log of military personal that are doing reconasence (what appears to be…). Just because someone seems to be influential or a pillar in society does not mean that they are.
perceived the grace that was given to me
they gave the right hand of fellowship to
and me
Growth in leadership. Growth in leadership means that others are going to become a part of the team that were not on the team when it first began.
that we should go to the Gentiles
and they to the circumcised
only they asked us to remember the poor- This would make sense considering Paul is already bringing relief for the famine for those in Jerusalem. Believe it or not, the Church in Jersalem was not very wealthy compared to the churches in others regions. In this way, the gentiles were serving Jewish believers.
the very thing I was eager to do
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
Those who seemed to be “influential, Pillars”. Who are the people that are the biggest influences in your life? How about Pastors, famous teachers,
The gospel of grace is the same for the Jew and the Gentile, but it is adapted in different ways among different people. The message of the Gospel of Grace is relevant to all people, at all times.
Enlist the Body (faith steps):
Summary of the Chapter: “Relying on anything other than Jesus nullifies the purpose of His grace (the Cross)
Memory verse of the Chapter: Galatians 2:21 “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.”
Discussion Starters:
What moral lines have I made that have become more important than the Gospel?
What makes change so difficult or threatening?
What do I believe are the non-negotiables of the Gospel of Grace?
Song: To God be the Glory- Great things he hath done
Next Week’s Sermon: Galatians 2:11-14 “Confrontation”
Benediction/Looking ahead: INVITE PEOPLE TO THE CAFE